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Yáng Shì Tài Jí Jiàn Jiàn Shì Míng Chēng Shùn Xù
Traditional Yang Style Tai Chi Sword Form Posture Names

1 预备势 yù bèi shì Prepare
2 起势 qǐ shì Opening
3 三环套月 sān huán tào yuè Circle the Moon with Three Rings
4 魁星势 kuí xīng shì Big Dipper
5 燕子抄水 yàn zi chāo shuǐ Swallow Swoops Over the Water
6 右边拦扫 yòu biān lán săo Block and Sweep, Right
7 左边拦扫 zuŏ biān lán săo Block and Sweep, Left
8 小魁星 xiăo kuí xīng Little Dipper
9 燕子入巢 yàn zi rù cháo Swallow Returns to its Nest
10 灵猫捕鼠 líng māo bŭ shŭ Cat Seizes the Rat with Agility
11 凤凰抬头 fèng huáng tái tóu Phoenix Lifts its Head
12 黄蜂入洞 huáng fēng rù dòng Wasp Enters the Cave
13 凤凰右展翅 fèng huáng yòu zhăn chì Phoenix Opens its Right Wing
14 小魁星 xiăo kuí xīng Little Dipper
15 凤凰左展翅 fèng huáng zuŏ zhăn chì Phoenix opens its Left Wing
16 等鱼势 děng yú shì Waiting for the fish/Casting the Fishing Rod
17 右龙行势 yòu lóng xíng shì Dragon walk posture/Poking the Grass to Seek the Snake, Right
18 左龙行势 zuŏ lóng xíng shì Dragon walk posture/Poking the Grass to Seek the Snake, Left
19 右龙行势 yòu lóng xíng shì Dragon walk posture/Poking the Grass to Seek the Snake, Right
20 怀中抱月 huái zhōng bào yuè Embracing the Moon
21 宿鸟投林 sù niăo tóu lín Birds Lodging in the Forest
22 乌龙摆尾 wū lóng băi wěi Black Dragon Sways its Tail
23 青龙出水 qīng lóng chū shuǐ Green Dragon gets out of the Water
24 风卷荷叶 fēng juăn hé yè Lotus Swirls Around in the Wind
25 左狮子摇头 zuŏ shīzi yáo tóu Lion Shakes its Head, Left
26 右狮子摇头 yòu shīzi yá tóu Lion Shakes its Head, Right
27 虎抱头 hŭ bào tóu Tiger Covers its Head
28 野马跳涧 yě mă tiào jiàn Mustang Jumps the Ravine
29 勒马势 lè mă shì Reining in the Stallion
30 指南针 zī nán zhēn Compass (Pointing South)
31 左迎风掸尘 zuŏ yíng fēng dăn chén Dusting in the Wind, Left
32 右迎风掸尘 yòu yíng fēng dăn chén Dusting in the Wind, right
33 左迎风掸尘 zuŏ yíng fēng dăn chén Dusting in the Wind, Left
34 顺水推舟 shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu Pushing the Canoe with the Current
35 流星赶月 liú xīng găn yuè Meteor Chases the Moon
36 天马飞瀑 tiān mă fēi bào Heavenly Steed flies over the waterfall
37 挑帘势 tiăo lián shì Lifting up the Curtain
38 左车轮 zuŏ chē lún Left Car Wheel
39 右车轮 yòu chē lún Right Car Wheel
40 燕子衔泥 yàn zi xián ní Swallow Carries Pieces of Earth in its Beak
41 大鹏展翅 dà péng zhăn chì Roc Extends its Wings
42 海底捞月 hăi dĭ lāo yuè Fishing for the Moon at the Sea Bottom
43 哪吒探海 nă zhà tàn hăi Naza Explores the Sea Bottom
44 犀牛望月 xī niú wàng yuè Rhino Watches the Moon
45 射雁势 shè yàn shì Hunting the Wild Goose
46 青龙现爪 qīng lóng xiàn zhuă Green Dragon Shows its Claws
47 凤凰双展翅 fèng huáng shuāng zhăn chì Phoenix Opens Both its Wings
48 左跨拦 zuŏ kuà lán Step Over and Block Up, Left
49 右跨拦 yòu kuà lán Step Over and Block Up, Right
50 射雁势 shè yàn shì Hunting the Wild Goose
51 白猿献果 bái yuán xiàn guŏ White Ape Presents the Fruit
52 右落花势 yòu luò huā shì Falling Flowers, Right
53 左落花势 zuŏ luò huā shì Falling Flowers, Left
54 右落花势 yòu luò huā shì Falling Flowers, Right
55 左落花势 zuŏ luò huā shì Falling Flowers, Left
56 右落花势 yòu luò huā shì Falling Flowers, Right
57 玉女穿梭 yù nǚ chuān suō Fair Lady Works at Shuttles
58 白虎搅尾 bái hŭ jiăo wěi White Tiger Sways its Tail
59 虎抱头 hŭ bào tóu Tiger Covers its Head
60 鱼跳龙门 yú tiào lóng mén Fish Jumps Over the Dragon Gate
61 左乌龙搅柱 zuŏ wū lóng jiăo zhù Black Dragon Twists Around the Pole, Left
62 右乌龙搅柱 yòu wū lóng jiăo zhù Black Dragon Twists Around the Pole, Right
63 仙人指路 xiān rén zhǐ lù Fairy Points the Way
64 朝天一柱香 cháo tiān yī zhù xiāng An Incense for Heaven
65 风扫梅花 fēng săo méi huā Plum Flowers being Swept by the Wind
66 牙笏势 yá hù shì Presenting the Tablet
67 抱剑归原 bào jiàn guī yuán Return the Sword to its Original Position