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anti-sexist anti-fascist anti-racist |
1 | 预备势 | yù bèi shì | Prepare |
2 | 起势 | qǐ shì | Opening |
3 | 三环套月 | sān huán tào yuè | Circle the Moon with Three Rings |
4 | 魁星势 | kuí xīng shì | Big Dipper |
5 | 燕子抄水 | yàn zi chāo shuǐ | Swallow Swoops Over the Water |
6 | 右边拦扫 | yòu biān lán săo | Block and Sweep, Right |
7 | 左边拦扫 | zuŏ biān lán săo | Block and Sweep, Left |
8 | 小魁星 | xiăo kuí xīng | Little Dipper |
9 | 燕子入巢 | yàn zi rù cháo | Swallow Returns to its Nest |
10 | 灵猫捕鼠 | líng māo bŭ shŭ | Cat Seizes the Rat with Agility |
11 | 凤凰抬头 | fèng huáng tái tóu | Phoenix Lifts its Head |
12 | 黄蜂入洞 | huáng fēng rù dòng | Wasp Enters the Cave |
13 | 凤凰右展翅 | fèng huáng yòu zhăn chì | Phoenix Opens its Right Wing |
14 | 小魁星 | xiăo kuí xīng | Little Dipper |
15 | 凤凰左展翅 | fèng huáng zuŏ zhăn chì | Phoenix opens its Left Wing |
16 | 等鱼势 | děng yú shì | Waiting for the fish/Casting the Fishing Rod |
17 | 右龙行势 | yòu lóng xíng shì | Dragon walk posture/Poking the Grass to Seek the Snake, Right |
18 | 左龙行势 | zuŏ lóng xíng shì | Dragon walk posture/Poking the Grass to Seek the Snake, Left |
19 | 右龙行势 | yòu lóng xíng shì | Dragon walk posture/Poking the Grass to Seek the Snake, Right |
20 | 怀中抱月 | huái zhōng bào yuè | Embracing the Moon |
21 | 宿鸟投林 | sù niăo tóu lín | Birds Lodging in the Forest |
22 | 乌龙摆尾 | wū lóng băi wěi | Black Dragon Sways its Tail |
23 | 青龙出水 | qīng lóng chū shuǐ | Green Dragon gets out of the Water |
24 | 风卷荷叶 | fēng juăn hé yè | Lotus Swirls Around in the Wind |
25 | 左狮子摇头 | zuŏ shīzi yáo tóu | Lion Shakes its Head, Left |
26 | 右狮子摇头 | yòu shīzi yá tóu | Lion Shakes its Head, Right |
27 | 虎抱头 | hŭ bào tóu | Tiger Covers its Head |
28 | 野马跳涧 | yě mă tiào jiàn | Mustang Jumps the Ravine |
29 | 勒马势 | lè mă shì | Reining in the Stallion |
30 | 指南针 | zī nán zhēn | Compass (Pointing South) |
31 | 左迎风掸尘 | zuŏ yíng fēng dăn chén | Dusting in the Wind, Left |
32 | 右迎风掸尘 | yòu yíng fēng dăn chén | Dusting in the Wind, right |
33 | 左迎风掸尘 | zuŏ yíng fēng dăn chén | Dusting in the Wind, Left |
34 | 顺水推舟 | shùn shuǐ tuī zhōu | Pushing the Canoe with the Current |
35 | 流星赶月 | liú xīng găn yuè | Meteor Chases the Moon |
36 | 天马飞瀑 | tiān mă fēi bào | Heavenly Steed flies over the waterfall |
37 | 挑帘势 | tiăo lián shì | Lifting up the Curtain |
38 | 左车轮 | zuŏ chē lún | Left Car Wheel |
39 | 右车轮 | yòu chē lún | Right Car Wheel |
40 | 燕子衔泥 | yàn zi xián ní | Swallow Carries Pieces of Earth in its Beak |
41 | 大鹏展翅 | dà péng zhăn chì | Roc Extends its Wings |
42 | 海底捞月 | hăi dĭ lāo yuè | Fishing for the Moon at the Sea Bottom |
43 | 哪吒探海 | nă zhà tàn hăi | Naza Explores the Sea Bottom |
44 | 犀牛望月 | xī niú wàng yuè | Rhino Watches the Moon |
45 | 射雁势 | shè yàn shì | Hunting the Wild Goose |
46 | 青龙现爪 | qīng lóng xiàn zhuă | Green Dragon Shows its Claws |
47 | 凤凰双展翅 | fèng huáng shuāng zhăn chì | Phoenix Opens Both its Wings |
48 | 左跨拦 | zuŏ kuà lán | Step Over and Block Up, Left |
49 | 右跨拦 | yòu kuà lán | Step Over and Block Up, Right |
50 | 射雁势 | shè yàn shì | Hunting the Wild Goose |
51 | 白猿献果 | bái yuán xiàn guŏ | White Ape Presents the Fruit |
52 | 右落花势 | yòu luò huā shì | Falling Flowers, Right |
53 | 左落花势 | zuŏ luò huā shì | Falling Flowers, Left |
54 | 右落花势 | yòu luò huā shì | Falling Flowers, Right |
55 | 左落花势 | zuŏ luò huā shì | Falling Flowers, Left |
56 | 右落花势 | yòu luò huā shì | Falling Flowers, Right |
57 | 玉女穿梭 | yù nǚ chuān suō | Fair Lady Works at Shuttles |
58 | 白虎搅尾 | bái hŭ jiăo wěi | White Tiger Sways its Tail |
59 | 虎抱头 | hŭ bào tóu | Tiger Covers its Head |
60 | 鱼跳龙门 | yú tiào lóng mén | Fish Jumps Over the Dragon Gate |
61 | 左乌龙搅柱 | zuŏ wū lóng jiăo zhù | Black Dragon Twists Around the Pole, Left |
62 | 右乌龙搅柱 | yòu wū lóng jiăo zhù | Black Dragon Twists Around the Pole, Right |
63 | 仙人指路 | xiān rén zhǐ lù | Fairy Points the Way |
64 | 朝天一柱香 | cháo tiān yī zhù xiāng | An Incense for Heaven |
65 | 风扫梅花 | fēng săo méi huā | Plum Flowers being Swept by the Wind |
66 | 牙笏势 | yá hù shì | Presenting the Tablet |
67 | 抱剑归原 | bào jiàn guī yuán | Return the Sword to its Original Position |